Horror Games

2023 certainly seems to be the year for survival horror. Some fantastic remakes in play.

Dead Space has finally returned! Honestly this was an absolute blast to revisit this game. And the things Motive added made it feel alive than ever before, they did a hell of job and yet CRUCIALLY protected the story from the original game! Mess with graphics, mechanics, environments but leave alone what made the game great and Dead Spaces story was immense.

I still need to clean up a few things but I did my customary play it my way first! And it felt good, it felt like the old survival we all know and love, so EA if you read this as a fan and decided to redo Dead Space 2 then take it back to this, let Motive do this to Dead Space 2, keep it away from the action based and bring it back it back to just this, simple survival horror that keeps you on edge.

The just throw away Dead Space 3 make a whole new better game! I hated 3 so much so I’ve only ever played it once, I put it down and never looked back.

Callisto Protocol, yes I know it came out in December 2022, but I think it might find its footing. It is clearly based off Dead Space, after all its the original co – creator Glen Schofield who did this. It was nice to find a game that felt like an old school survival horror.

It was nice to play through and they broke the usual hold of the games side kick, I was genuinely surprised by that particular twist, it is also impressive to see a studio like Striking Distance shell out big money to bring in Josh Duhamel as the lead. Callisto almost plays like a movie at points. But keeps you wanting to see it through, though admittedly the ending is frustrating because it’s clearly set up that it isn’t finished yet, I will definitely look forward to DLC.

Dead Island 2 which of course I had an absolute blast through, and Riptide was a worthy addition. It’ll be interesting to see if they can match the hype and expectation of a decade of development.

Dead Island was one of those games that was just pure fun, hack up the undead in as creative and violent a way as possible, relied less on guns and more hand to hand. I truly do love this game. Always have and likely always will.

Resident Evil 4 truthfully still trying to wrap my head around this one, because even today RE4 still stands up as an incredible game and graphically isn’t too bad.

And you know they’re going to change certain elements and that’s OK, if they do what they did with Resident Evil 2, which for me is still the absolute standard for a remake (and I’m a Final Fantasy VII fanboy, but FF7R just isn’t a path on RE2), so long as they leave the story intact, update where it’s needed to include all the lore that’s come since. Honestly I’d love to get a look at the RE Game Bible that thing has gotta be magic by now!

Though personally they should have remade Code Veronica first!

Still probably one of the few that just wanted to shoot the presidents daughter for the sheer force of will it takes to not keep her alive!

Lollipop Chainsaw was just an absolute riot, like seriously I adored this game! It didn’t take zombie killing serious and that made it fun, Juliet Starling is among the most fun of heroes to play with.

Definitely looking forward to this one again.

Add to all of the above DLC for Callisto Protocol, Dying Light 2 and this year shapes up to be the very best in survival horror. There’s also the Silent Hill 2 Remake underway which it’d be nice to see the only real competition to Resident Evil back on the PlayStation find its footing again.

So if I could have 1 wish for a game to be remade sorry folks but its gotta be Dino Crisis, a what if the zombies were dinos and a hell of great game. So yes this is my want.

Protection [Chapter 2] My Guest

It had been a couple of hours since my rescue and my guest was still pressed tight into the corner, half soaked from been rained upon half frozen from fear and shock. I on the other hand was busy warming a tin of beans over my fire, I had since pulled a set of heavy blinds over the window, they were those big ceiling to floor ones that occupied buildings such as this, closing them would hide the glow of the fire, that and it was tucked way back in the fireplace. The smell must have got her attention as I heard her begin to shuffle toward me, she was also clearly thinking better than just to approach an armed stranger who had nothing to gain by keeping her alive. I looked over my shoulder and sure enough she was on her knees with her hands in front of her now in the centre of the room, I pulled my coat back over my weapon and nodded, within a moment she was knelt by my side, I simply pushed the tin of beans to her.

“Thank you” She croaked as I stuck a spoon in the tin for her to eat with, and eat she did almost as if she had not been fed in a while, gulping down each spoonful like it was her last. The tin didn’t last long as she wiped her mouth, I quietly observed, I have already pointed out that trusting anyone in this new world was a bad idea and so I was always aware of myself when I was around other normals, today was no different even if I had caused this situation in the first place “I can’t pay you, for any of this” her voice had softened now, the shock beginning to subside though the fear clearly ramping up as she undoubtedly knew what I knew about people, and right now was wondering why I was so quiet.

“You’re welcome, you can stay in the bedroom tonight, there’s no way in here now and the psychs will likely wonder off or fall off the balcony by morning” Was all I had, after all I had already figured she was no real threat and if she was going to try anything I was the one armed with a high voltage charge gun. The odds were oddly on my side tonight at least, and as the rain hit the glass behind the blinds it was obvious going out tonight was an worse idea than saving some random girl from a horde of mindless serial psychopaths, winter rain storms were violent and cold and could kill you as easily as anything else in our world.

“I … OK thank you” She whimpered, a moment and the door between us closed allowing me a sigh of relief in knowing I had done the right thing, I hoped I had, it wouldn’t been the first time I heard the screams of someone been torn apart by those things, I said they don’t eat you, not to begin with anyways, but everything they do before is just plain vicious, if you’re dead before they start eating you I can only assume it’s a good thing, the bigger mystery in our world is still what creates them, they aren’t dead after all and they can be killed with conventional weapons, granted it takes a lot to put them down with a hand gun, chances are a shot through the heart or the head will render them dead before they can do major damage to you, but it wont kill them outright, I’ve seen them take a full clip of automatic rifle ammo and keep coming, which is why I have the high voltage gun, each round is a high voltage charge that simply fries their motor functions, brain and everything else in between it also has an awesome knock back one round can send them eight or nine foot with no obstructions between the shot and the landing, having something between the two only helps in the long run.

It was colder now even with the fire as I hauled my blanket from my back pack and wrapped it around my shoulders, my eyes had barely moved from the flames which danced and flickered the crackling flames I had always found oddly soothing, something in this world that was for the most part consistent to me. I pulled my gun from its holster, pushed my pack to the side and settled my head against it spinning my gun then tucking it beside me so it was easy to grab if I needed it. It wasn’t easy but eventually I drifted off into some variance of sleep.

It was dark when I woke, not because I had enough sleep but the fact is I hardly ever properly slept these days, the creak of a door had stirred me and my hand already wrapped around my weapon “I wanted to say thank you, properly” came her voice which was accompanied by a mental growl from me as I rolled over she was stood in the doorway, slight light from moon outside cast her in a strange light she seemed even more scrawny than when I had pulled her from all that trouble in the day “I said it was fine, you should sleep while you can” I replied trying to force my reply to sound firm and as was usual with me it came off sounding frustrated and awkward, I never had been good at playing the forceful person. She stood still but it wasn’t hard to tell that she was considering moving toward me again, finally I sat “Can’t sleep?” I stated more a statement than a question but she nodded and I beckoned her forward “Fine, I guess I can share a little more time”

She sat back beside tucking her feet beneath her bottom, her hands resting in her lap, a strange placement oddly obedient as I watched her “You don’t seem the type to be surviving out there alone” I stated quietly, the point made that we needed to keep our voices down if we were going to talk, just incase her psych friends were still close by and decided to take another run at us. “I’m not, at least I haven’t been alone long, I was with a group when we were attacked, our handlers were … well they under estimated the pack that attacked us I guess, so much blood and chaos some of the girls managed to run, I fell into a drainage pipe I think but they chased me, I eventually managed to find this place and was going to go to the roof and hope that they wouldn’t follow, or I could hide, but …”

“Hiding doesn’t always work, especially if they have your scent” I shrugged in a simple matter of fact way “You saved my life, I owe that to you” She stated softly, another mental growl or frustration “I’m not looking for baggage, I travel alone and I have to move quickly, not really looking out for anyone else but me”

She wiped away a tear and again I heard myself groan mentally, I was rather good at showing my emotion only in my head, often that choice was the difference between life and death “You chose to save me though” she whimpered softly.

“It was the right thing to do” I replied calmly trying to at least maintain some level of control over the situation “You really should get some rest, we’ll figure the rest out in the morning” and with that I tried to turn over and quietly hoped she’d return to the bedroom. She never did when I woke later that morning she was sleeping on the floor where she’d been sat, her hair covered her face, but in the daylight she looked incredibly vulnerable.

I slid to my feet quietly as I moved to the back of the room now packing up the rest of my gear, moving back to my pack and carefully stowing things inside, wrapping up the blanket and adding that before finally picking up my trench coat. A guy in a trench coat Cliche I know, but it was long and kept me warm as well as dry which was the more the important thing. As I finished packing I heard movement behind me, she raised her head catching my line of sight from beneath the tangle of her hair “You’re leaving?”

“I have to make my delivery, they don’t pay so well if I’m late” I shrugged now diverting my eyes back to checking over my pack, finally I picked up my gun and holstered it. Tucking the holster back beneath my coat.

“You don’t talk much do you?” Her voice broke my non train of thought, the question itself caught me slightly as I looked to my pack then to the window then back to her “Talking only creates more problems, so no I don’t talk much, and you shouldn’t either or did you not learn enough last night?” my tone was sharp, actually sharper than I meant it to be because she instantly looked away but not before the hurt crossed her features.

“You shouldn’t remain here too long, especially seeing as I’m going out of that door” I said jerking my head in the direction of the one I’d barricaded the day before. She sobbed softly and again I caught myself groaning before turning to her “You should head for the outskirts, there’s usually people there or even the security forces they will help. You’ll be fine as long as you’re careful” With that I pulled my pack to my shoulder and made my way to the door, lifting the table one side at a time to ease it back, it took time but finally I had enough room to open the door beyond. I looked back to see the girl hadn’t moved simply sat on the floor knelt with her hands in her lap. I watched her just a moment longer before I opened the door and slipped out.

Protection (A New Story)

Chapter 1
The World We Live In

In the early part of 2100 the Earth’s population had completely spiraled out of control, every country across the globe was forced to implement measures in an attempt to control the rapid population growth, they failed. It isn’t known exactly what happened or when, only that as was inevitable with life nature chose to intervene, a contaminant in the food and water supplies had adverse reactions on the population, it took lives and it took them quickly. Almost a year passed before the science folks found a way to slow it down, but the population of the world had fallen dramatically. On the upside the death rate had slowed as they figured how it was transmitted once introduced into the human body, but for another 10 years being infected would always result in the victims death.

The science folk found a vaccine or so they thought, but one single random genetic trait turned a bad situation worse, the vaccine did stop people dying. Once infected with the new strain it starts shutting down parts of the brain, those responsible for cognitive thought, right and wrong, turning ordinary people into psychopathics and this is how it is today, hordes of psychs that trample the earth and attack anyone in their path, strangely they no longer react to each other. It sounds like a Zombie apocalypse right? It’s close but these don’t eat you at least not at first their instinct is even more primal the need to acquire, to conquer and the need to copulate.

So that’s the state of the world today, out of doors it’s dangerous but inside can be just as dangerous. You see the people of the world today are out to protect themselves, to run into anyone that falls under the category of normal is a few and far between experience, even if you do it’s unlikely you can trust their intentions, with the Psychs we know what we’re in for, with a real functioning human, you don’t. I generally travel alone but I’m different I have a purpose, one of a handful or people who traverse the country we live in to take and deliver various items. Communication in the world is harder than hell, so a bunch of us will take these packages to and from locations, this is how we survive, it’s how we eat, it’s lonely and it’s dangerous but at least we’re alive. The rest of the human population are trying to survive the only way the human race knows how, violence and mayhem almost always ensue when humans get together these days, some travel in groups and they are even more dangerous, but they are also usually the first to turn on each other, you really can’t trust another in this world.

And so my story starts here, it was cold October tonight, I’d set up shelter on the fifth floor of some abandoned block of flats, I liked to stay high when I needed to rest, gave me warning if anyone tried to get close, I also picked less obvious hiding places for that reason too. I’d blocked the all the doors to the room, and was contemplating a fire for a little warmth when I heard a scream, it came from below me but in the building, someone was in trouble and there were also the groans of psychs. I froze in place placed flat to the wall as the patter of feet in the stair well told me they were moving up then the thud as they attempted to enter the room I’d sealed off, another scream of “Oh god someone help me” sent a ripple through me, not fear, I had long since shed my fear of dealing with Psychs, I was also fairly good at evading them and if needed my volt gun was pretty effective at shutting them down, this ripple was somewhere between panic and guilt, the voice was female.

Instantly I bit down a string of would be curses and made my way to my entry point, a window that I’d bridged between two rooms, quietly I climbed back across and quietly pressed flat to the wall waiting on her to enter the room, slowly I drew a breath and held it in as I unholstered my weapon and stepped into the room, she screamed and I heard them coming “Oh that’s right give the fucking game away” I muttered and shot across the room toward, as I neared her I grabbed her arm spinning her toward the window “Go now!” I barked, she went to scream and I clamped my hand over her mouth firing a shot that sent a Psych into the wall of the outside hall “Go or they get you, you’re fucking choice” I snapped and then spun taking steps back toward the balcony and the open glass door, she chose to stay alive as she followed me before stepping out I followed suit and slammed the glass door closed the psychs piling hard against the glass.

“It wont hold” She squealed “Yep, aware of that” I pointed to the planks now bridging the 10 foot gap between the two rooms, she looked to me and I simply shrugged, gingerly she climbed on the and squeaked as the first crack began to form in the fragile glass “Wanna get a move on?” I snapped and she did making her way over to the other side, I didn’t wait to follow and was over with much more ease, after all I’d done this a few times before now, the glass door shattered sending two psychs over the balcony and hopefully to their deaths as I reeled in the bridge planks, the psychs looked at us before groaning and pawing the air toward us I just fired at one of them before holstering my weapon and walking back into the room I had previously occupied, the poor girl simply stood in shock looking back at the cluster that had almost been her end.

All that action had at least helped me decide it was worth making that fire after all. I bent in the fire place to force scraps of wood and paper together, the lighter in my pocket brought it to life, I looked back to the girl, she was still stood looking back at the now empty balcony opposite us, the skies had decided to begin emptying upon the grounds below a heavy rain and the balcony door been opening made my fire almost pointless, finally I made my way taking her arm and yanking her into the room, and back to reality it seemed as she now went into full panic mode skittering away from me to the other side of the room pressing tight into the corner, I sighed and closed the door, immediately the warmth of the fire began to make a difference as I made my way back to it, I sat on my heel my coat now tucked behind my gun as a reminder I was armed if she was going to try anything stupid I’d make her regret it.

Resident Evil – What I’d Like To See

So before you go jumping down my throat about this being wishful realise I already know this fact, but here’s how I believe Capcom could deliver something complete and brand new for the Resident Evil Franchise.

Firstly the game does need to be taken back to its roots, back to what scared the crap out of me at “am on a cold dark night back in 1999. So here goes.

Lets go back to what made Resident Evil, the game we all remember lets go back to Raccoon City, set the game between the events of the Mansion from RE and before they blow it to high hell in RE: Nemesis. But lets go big let’s make it open world, let players explore the WHOLE of Raccoon City as they fit, I mean think about it, there’s always been rooms and buildings players wanted to explore, I know back alleys and allotments always intrigued me but the damn edge of map got in the way and stopped me nosing around!

re2-dog 20120803154437!Nemesis re4chainsaw

Think about it, that block of flats a house could be hoarding a decent ammo stash, but then again there could be dozens upon dozens of undead waiting to ambush me, (Or a super breed packing a damn chainsaw –  I also know they aren’t Zombies, beside the point I’m trying to make). I could be clearing out room by room but are they dead? I punched a full clip into that big zombie only for him to ambush me as I walk back along the corridor to head up to the next level.

Adding to this you see something skitter over the busted floorboards above is it a dog? We all remember our first encounter? Maybe worse still it’s a licker creeping, stalking waiting for you or worse yet those darn hunters waiting to bite you in half. Either way you have to go up if you want that ammo? Who knows maybe Nemesis is waiting for you?


But you see the horror is not only going up but coming back as well (as mentioned just because they look dead, doesn’t mean they are), unless you fancy jumping off the roof? Open world would add a lot more to the game, there could be a story of the survivors banding together creating random moments of co-op, or Claire and Leon teaming up to escape again, the idea is endless with the characters over all the series.

Stick the crack team trying to end you into the mix (aka Agent mode from RE: 6) and you’ve got a whole new level of game play. Allotments, houses, blocks of flats, the police station, the hospital we all enjoyed these locations. A broken down bar (There’s one in 3 right?) Even add an element of ferrying survivors to an extraction point for the military to extract them, before they consider Raccoon City a loss at least. The options are endless.

I believe Capcom can learn lessons from their own games, including their Dead Rising Series. If your out of ammunition your not going to scrabble about for ammunition in weapons you don’t have, you’re going to pick something hard and heavy and bludgeon those dead things to dead. At least before diving into that house over the road with the light on.

I’m sure fans have an endless trove of ideas that can be added to this but there it is my idea! Bring back the survival and the horror will bring itself.