Finally Halo

So way back in November of 2001 a game released called Halo Combat Evolved, an FPS game for the Xbox. Now being young, and recently discovering my girlfriend was pregnant I could never afford and Xbox, much less Halo. Plus I was a bit of a Sony fan boy back in the day and so over the years via various means I have attempted to play Halo. Just never quite getting into the swing.

Now in the here and now, having Game Pass Ultimate is a wonderful thing and totally worth £10.99 per month I might add. I finally installed The Master Chief Collection, and a couple of days ago sat down to finally begin my Halo play through. I played through the Anniversary edition, which features updated graphics, music and sound effects but the core game is the same as it was 20 years ago. Seeing as I’m playing for the story as always there was no harm in playing an updated version so far as I’m concerned.

So I found the enemies to be a little comical, almost silly in some ways, hard to find the covenant threatening. The flood on the other hand those guys are nasty at times. Having said that, the game is largely a lot of fun, most of the game I played with the start weapon and a shotgun, which makes light work of just about everything thrown your way. I tell you this though playing a game 20 years back is confusing to say the least, wandering around it made me wonder how we ever got along without in game maps, some portions of the game are massive and it rarely gives you a directional marker. The Warthog vehicle is a nightmare and seemingly has a mind of its, physics wise a lot of this game is pre-motion capture. But the game itself is fun and the story while simple was enough to keep me engaged and entertained.

The ragdoll graphics as ever are amusing and it does lead several times to areas of frustration as I was stuck with my shield and 1 bar of health, I like to play dangerously but little by little and with a little dumb luck I was able to push through. Definitely a fun game. Of course I shall continue next up will be Halo 2, lets see how much has changed since the original and of course how the story unfolds next.

Kobali Cruiser!!

So I kind of inadvertantly ended up finishing the 5th Anniversary Event, by this I mean I did the Fifth Anniversary Event for the 400 Qmendations, I never really intended to finish it up this year, I have several seasonal events midway through and will likely finish them this year, things such as the Mirror Universe Invasion and Winter Seasonals. The only one I manged to finish in 2015 was the Crystalline Entity Event, but hey that was 50,000 Dilithium!!

Anyways I did finish the event in large part thanks to a Zen purchase last month collected me 10 keys, plus the first time pack netted another 3 which led to me opening 13 of my lock boxes, this gave me in the region of 90 Lobi which I then turned in for Qmendation packs, I don’t play enough to warrant me saving for Lobi store ships so it made sense to me.

kobaliNow onto the Kobali cruiser I have one for all 3 charcters now, it’s a T6 ship why wouldn’t I? And I also netted the Kobali Engineer from the Anniversary event as well, so combine these two you’re off to  pretty good start.

The only problem I have is the turn rate is kind of awful, but I’m hoping once I run the anniversary event again I can net the last piece of the Kobali set for the ship and turn it into a proverbial tank of a vessel, if it can take damage then been a little slow wont matter so much, at least that’s my plan.

I mean they look good and mean, powerful forscreenshot_2015-02-25-21-18-41 sure, especially with the Kobali officer slotted in there too, I can take down most regular enemies fairly fast and survive much better head to head with a Borg cube.

That may help my Online career a little more as I wont be left to get blown to bits every five minutes! Still the odd thing is since Delta Rising was released I’ve hardly played, just go back and you’ll see Final Fantasy XIV got my attention, but during some much needed down time it’s enabled me to build well on Star Trek Online and mop up some more of the things I haven’t done beforehand, I’m now a screenshot_2015-02-25-21-51-49nice round level 57 so closing in on the new cap.  Which is pretty much plan until I return to Eorzea, earn as much Dilithium and ship XP as possible with my new ship. Also intend to rank up my Reputation Marks as well. And get some of the Delta Alliance stuff done, just earn what I can and move on through the game and end game content.