Final Fantasy XIV – August Update

FF14 - August 2016 - LamiaWell at least this month there is an update! Despite the fact I haven’t been playing FF14 full time, I got a little side tracked with Neverwinter. This month also marks 12 months since I moved to Lamia with Final Fantasy Forums.

So as you can see there has been heavy progress on WHM, in the next day or so I should push it to Level 60, giving me another Level 60 class. From progress last year only Armourer and Blacksmith are now lower, so still a little work to complete the server transition.

I have now completed the 3.3 story content and the new dungeons as well, though I still need a few more runs as Bard to nail the mechanics so I can begin running them as SCH. Which of course is the ultimate goal, to be able to run all content as SCH. I am now almost complete with my Anima 80 items so once the final pieces are bought I will have done Anima at stage 2.  It’s been a long grind but the new beast tribes have helped tremendously as 18 of their items is one piece, I just wasn’t going to farm Alexander repeatedly to do it any quicker.

I’ve also completed Weeping City, so it has allowed me to begin upgrading my SCH gear to i240, I have no intention of doing Anima twice so I have decided to get the i240 bow from Alexander [A8] just another 3 weeks and I’ll have enough gears for that, hopefully I’ll also have enough Lore too!

So alot of focus has been on WHM this month, and using the BEast Tribes from HW I have managed to push all the way to 59 as of yesterday, 60 by the end of today all been well. Of course Challenge log and a couple of daily dungeons have helped as well, it’s all additional XP after all. When I compare WHM to SCH, the only real preference I have is WHM has a little more choice when it comes to AoE healing vs SCH. But then WHM doesn’t have Eos, which in my opinion is the single best thing a healer needs, it takes the pressure off and can bridge that gap while you’re waiting for those ever annoying cool downs.

So the future? Well finish WHM obviously, then while I grind out the tokens for the new Yo’Kai minions, stack some XP on alternative classes, focus for me on another level 60 will probably be either BLM or NIN, I have yet to try and fully level a melee DPS class, might even fully level DRG. I have a lot to chose from after all and I aim to get every class to 60 before the new expansion. And at least another class before 3.4.

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